Lecture 10 (4/18/22)


  • Problem set 2 due tonight at 11:59pm

  • Change of grading basis deadline 4/22 (shooting to have pset 1 & 2, labs 1 & 2 graded by then)

Last time we covered:

  • graphing with matplotlib

  • graphing best practices

  • graphing with seaborn

Today’s agenda:

  • Cleaning and structuring data with pandas

Cleaning data: principles and tools

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

What are the sorts of things we (typically) don’t want in our data?

  • Null values (missing values)

  • Duplicates

  • Outliers **

What do the things we don’t want in our data look like in python?


# Duplicates: what do they look like?

df = pd.DataFrame({
    "sample_int": np.random.randint(low = 1, high = 10, size = 10)


# df.sample_int
0 4
1 9
2 3
3 8
4 4
5 2
6 4
7 6
8 3
9 2
df[df.sample_int == 7]

Duplicates are hard to detect without a more careful search because they may look like totally normal data otherwise.

Missing data

# Missing data: what does it look like?

df.iloc[0] = np.nan
df.iloc[1] = None

df # is this what we expected?
# df.sample_int

# TODO why does the nan conver to floating point?
0 NaN
1 NaN
2 3.0
3 8.0
4 4.0
5 2.0
6 4.0
7 6.0
8 3.0
9 2.0
df['nans'] = np.nan
df['nones'] = None

sample_int nans nones
0 NaN NaN None
1 NaN NaN None
2 3.0 NaN None
3 8.0 NaN None
4 4.0 NaN None
5 2.0 NaN None
6 4.0 NaN None
7 6.0 NaN None
8 3.0 NaN None
9 2.0 NaN None

Note: sometimes missing data can take other forms, for example empty strings.

This is especially true when your data has had some intermediate processing like being stored as a csv.


# Outliers: what do they look like?

df.iloc[9, 0] = 400

sample_int nans nones
0 NaN NaN None
1 NaN NaN None
2 3.0 NaN None
3 8.0 NaN None
4 4.0 NaN None
5 2.0 NaN None
6 4.0 NaN None
7 6.0 NaN None
8 3.0 NaN None
9 400.0 NaN None

Be careful here!

Not every unexpected data point is an outlier…

Aside: why do we want to detect these things in our data?

# A simple illustration


np.median(df.sample_int) # uh oh...
# np.nanmedian(df.sample_int)

np.sum(df.sample_int) / len(df.sample_int)

# len(df.sample_int)
np.sum(df.sample_int) / 8

Take-away: these things can impact our analyses in lots of ways, which is why we want to find them!

How do we check for stuff we don’t want in our data?


# Duplicates
df[df.duplicated()] # just show the info that's duplicated after the first occurrence

df[df.duplicated(keep = False)] # show all duplicated rows
# df

df[df['sample_int'].duplicated()] # can also apply to columns individually
sample_int nans nones
1 NaN NaN None
6 4.0 NaN None
8 3.0 NaN None

Missing values

# Missing values

# Pandas tools: `pd.isna` and `pd.isnull`
# pd.isna(df['sample_int'])

df[pd.isnull(df['sample_int'])] # Note: this is the same as `pd.isna` above

# pd.isna(None)
sample_int nans nones
0 NaN NaN None
1 NaN NaN None
# Numpy tools: `np.isnan` to detect NaNs

# But watch out! 
# np.isnan(None) # that's weird...


This is one area where graphing our data can be really helpful!


How do we get rid of stuff we don’t want in our data?

Our options are:

  1. Remove obervations (or otherwise ignore them)

  2. Fill in the observations (missing values only)


With duplicate data, the best thing is most often to remove it (unless the duplication is expected)

df_no_dupes = df.drop_duplicates(ignore_index = True) # Note: we need this `ignore_index = True`

# df_no_dupes = df.drop_duplicates().reset_index() # Note: we need this `ignore_index = True`


# df
sample_int nans nones
0 NaN NaN None
1 3.0 NaN None
2 8.0 NaN None
3 4.0 NaN None
4 2.0 NaN None
5 6.0 NaN None
6 400.0 NaN None

Missing values

With missing values, it may be best to drop missing values, or fill them in with a reasonable value.

More info on missing value handling here.

Dropping missing values: why might we do that?

  • If we only care about averages

  • If the top priority is having integrity in our dataset, or if the missing data is for some reason that makes us okay ignoring it (e.g. broken logging process)

# Dropping NAs

df_no_na = df.dropna() # can specify an `axis`: 0 for columns, 1 for rows containing missing values

df_no_na # What happened here??

# df
sample_int nans nones
df_no_na = df.dropna(how = "all") 
# df_no_na = df.dropna(axis = 0) 

# how = "all" will drop rows where *all* values are NaN
# how = "any" (default) will drop rows where *any* column value is NaN

df_no_na # that's better

# df['sample_int'].dropna()
sample_int nans nones
2 3.0 NaN None
3 8.0 NaN None
4 4.0 NaN None
5 2.0 NaN None
6 4.0 NaN None
7 6.0 NaN None
8 3.0 NaN None
9 400.0 NaN None

Filling in missing values: Why might we do that instead? (and what to put there?)

  • If you’re averaging: put the average (median)

  • If you want to transform your data or if the value is not useful as given

  • If you can assume missing data is at worst no different from previous value

The pandas fillna function provides a few convenient ways to fill in missing data

# Can provide a specific number

df_no_na = df.fillna(0) 

df_no_na = df.fillna(df.mean()) # note this can be handy
df_no_na = df.fillna(np.nanmedian(df['sample_int'])) 

sample_int nans nones
0 4.0 4.0 4.0
1 4.0 4.0 4.0
2 3.0 4.0 4.0
3 8.0 4.0 4.0
4 4.0 4.0 4.0
5 2.0 4.0 4.0
6 4.0 4.0 4.0
7 6.0 4.0 4.0
8 3.0 4.0 4.0
9 400.0 4.0 4.0
# Can also use the previous or next value in the sequence (handy for time series data)

df.iloc[4, 0] = np.nan


df_no_na = df.fillna(method = 'pad', # alternative: 'bfill'
                     limit = 1 # optional limit argument says how many consecutive times to do this

sample_int nans nones
0 NaN NaN None
1 NaN NaN None
2 3.0 NaN None
3 8.0 NaN None
4 8.0 NaN None
5 2.0 NaN None
6 4.0 NaN None
7 6.0 NaN None
8 3.0 NaN None
9 400.0 NaN None

Finally, pandas also provides tools for using interpolation to guess the missing value.

We won’t get into that here, but you can check out this page if you’re curious.


When you have data that includes large outliers, it may be okay to remove them from your data, but you should do this with caution!

As a general rule, only remove outliers when you have a good justification for doing so.

What constitutes a good justification?

  • If for whatever reason your analysis is only interested in values within a particular range

  • Or, more often, if you have strong reason to suspect that a datapoint was generated differently than the rest (for example, somebody falling asleep at the keyboard)

In these cases, you typically set a criterion and remove rows that meet that criterion.

# np.std(df.sample_int) # can specify e.g., values > X standard deviations above the mean
# thresh = np.mean(df.sample_int) + 3*np.std(df.sample_int)

np.nanquantile(df.sample_int, [0.95]) # or, similarly, the top N% of data points
thresh = np.nanquantile(df.sample_int, [0.95])[0]


df_no_outliers = df[df.sample_int <= thresh]

sample_int nans nones
2 3.0 NaN None
3 8.0 NaN None
5 2.0 NaN None
6 4.0 NaN None
7 6.0 NaN None
8 3.0 NaN None